Jesus & The Seven Churches of Revelation
Top Story / February 1, 2020

Shidaanikei Publishers Incorporated is proud to announce the publication of Jesus & The Seven Churches of Revelation (2019) (ISBN: 978-1-9992257-1- 1)by Rev. Dr. Charles B. Mantey. Revelation was written by John who was one of the disciples of Jesus. Because of his faith as a Christian, he was banished the Roman Emperor to the Patmos Island. Jesus came to him in a vision and gave him messages to be given to the seven churches. These messages highlights some of the hidden things going on among the Christians in those churches.  These secrets plus other accounts in the book, aptly describe the name of the book – as “Revelation” (apokalypsis) which means, to expose in full view what was formerly hidden or veiled. The seven churches who were recipients of the messages from Jesus were; Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. The common theme that runs through the messages to these seven churches was their suffering in the face of persecution. During this time, Emperor worship was at its height in all places under Roman authority. Anyone who refused to pay homage to Caesar by burning a pinch of incense and say, “Caesar is Lord” is persecuted. Apart from…