Shidaanikei Publisher is happy to publish Christianity as a Way of Life: Reflections on the Epistle of James (2019) (ISBN: 978-1-9992257-0-4)by Rev. Dr. Charles B. Mantey. The epistle of James is one of the earliest books of the New Testament. The author highlights Christianity as a tapestry of life.Our spiritual growth and maturity are never always pleasant; but, God in His wisdom uses trials and temptations to help us reach our spiritual and physical destinies. For this reason, Christians are admonished to pray for wisdom so we are able to discern the will of God for our lives during difficult times of our lives.
The author addresses the problem of discrimination going on in the church; where the rich are given preferential treatment over the poor. James reminds the congregation about the frailties of human life and how Jesus died to save mankind irrespective of their status in life. Salvation therefore is by grace and not based on works. For this reason, Christianity therefore is not based on outward appearance so much as it does on character and faith in God.
The epistle of James also cautions Christians to be wary of false teachers. They often sneak into churches to dilute the word of God, with the sole aim of polluting the minds of Christians in order to sway them from their faith in Christ. For this reason, those who teach in the church must teach the truth; knowing that they will be judged by what they teach.
The epistle talks about the power of the tongue. The right and wrong things we utter with the use of our tongues could either bring us trouble or peace. It’s therefore prudent for people to think before they speak.
In conclusion, Christians are encouraged to be prayerful; and to have faith in God who continues to answer our prayers just as he did for the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament.
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